If you would like to be a sponsor for this year's Adams County Amazing Race Challenge please contact us through email at acamazingracechallenge@gmail.com or by phone at 260-301-6187.
We are non-profit organizations, donations are tax deductible. Please let us know if you need a receipt mailed to you for tax purposes.
* If your sponsorship needs a logo please email it to: acamazingracechallenge@gmail.com by August 1, 2022.
Level 1 - $2500+
Name/Logo on all printed materials (registration forms, newspaper ads, fliers, etc..
Name/Logo on Social Media Sites + promoted on the 3 organization sites
Name/logo on Race bib
One team registration for the Amazing Race
Name/logo on sign to be displayed at race start line, finish line and after party
Name/Logo on back of shirt
Includes 4 complimentary shirts
Level 2 - $1000
Name/Logo on all social media site + promoted on 3 organization sites
Recognized at start of race and after party
Name/logo on sign to be displayed at race start line, finish line and after party
Name/Logo on back of shirt
Includes 2 complimentary shirts
Level 3 - $500
Recognized at start of race and after party
Name on sign to be displayed at race start line, finish line and after party
Name on back of shirt
Includes 1 complimentary shirt
Level 4 - $250
Recognized at start of race and after party
Name on back of shirt
Challenge Sponsor
Create a challenge for participants the day of the event (we are happy to help come up with ideas if you need them.) We will be more than happy to discuss this option with you and send more information.
Recognized at event
Name on back of shirt
Food Sponsor
Provide “sack” lunches to participants
Recognized at event
Name on back of shirt
Prize Sponsor
$1000 cash sponsor for 1st place team
$750 cash sponsor for 2nd place team
$500 cash sponsor for 3rd place team
Any of the above will be named in print, on social media and on winner’s medals as “Sponsored by”.
***Prizes for winner’s gift baskets – other team prizes will be awarded – these are 4 person teams all sponsors of prizes will be listed the day of the event and in a media release after the event. Please contact us so we can pick up items (gift cards, hats, shirts, cups, towels, umbrellas etc.) These could be items that your company currently gives out!
If your business provides an In-Kind donation (goods or services) we typically will need for the race, we can discuss an in-kind sponsorship. Please contact us.
We are happy to put discount coupons in the race packets from any business sponsor who makes a donation. Please let us know if we can pick those up from you! We will need them by August 1st.